Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Whipped Cream

Cupcakes topped with whipped cream
  1. Non-dairy whipping cream: You can get this at any bakery store near you
  2. Color: Of your choice
  1. Keep all the appliances to be used inside the fridge before whipping the cream for at least 20 minutes like your bowls and the mixer attachment.
  2. Transfer 250 ml of cream to the bowl and start whipping the cream.
  3. Whip for a maximum of 6-8 minutes.
  4. You can add 1-2 drops of color of your choice to reach the desired shade.
  5. The cream should be stiff enough to not fall when you invert the bowl.
  6. Then transfer the whipped cream to pipping bags and then you are ready to exercise your artistic instincts!
Pro Tip
  • The whipping cream should be moved from freezer to fridge a night before whipping it. 

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